Restoring Patios & Driveways
Our professional driveway cleaning services in Stourbridge are designed to thoroughly and effectively restore your patio or driveway to its original pristine condition. We use advanced, powerful, high-pressure washing techniques to efficiently remove grime, dirt, and other unattractive stains from the surface.

Professional Cleaning System
Our team utilises cutting-edge tools and equipment to swiftly and effectively clean surfaces while minimizing disruption to your daily activities. Our driveway cleaning service eliminates unsightly stains, leaving behind a pristine, rejuvenated surface that enhances the appearance of your home or business.
Our Loyal Customers
We take immense pride in every job we undertake in Stourbridge and beyond, regardless of its size. Our commitment is to consistently surpass our clients' expectations. Consequently, a large number of our customers have become repeat clients, opting to have their driveways cleaned frequently, and enthusiastically recommending our services to their friends and family.
Our Experience & Reputation
We've been offering driveway cleaning services in Stourbridge and its surrounding areas for more than 17 years. We have earned a solid reputation for excellence due to our commitment to delivering high-quality work and exceptional customer service.
Our Service
We are proud to be one of the top driveway cleaners in Stourbridge, delivering exceptional service to our valued customers. Our strong reputation reflects the superior quality of our work. Our unwavering commitment to excellence is demonstrated through our meticulous attention to detail, setting us apart from our competitors.
Competitive Pricing
As highly experienced professionals, we use cutting-edge equipment and techniques to guarantee a spotless driveway. We are committed to delivering top-quality service, consistently exceeding our customers' expectations. Despite our very high standards, our pricing is competitive, and we strive to offer unmatched value for your money. Choose us for your driveway cleaning needs and witness the transformative impact of our exceptional service.

Our Work
Examples of our driveway & patio cleans
What Our Clients Say

Contact Us
147 Wood Street
DY11 6UF
email: squeakycleandave@gmail.com
Tel; 01562 824836
Mob; 07956 222348
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Solar Panel Cleaning
Driveway Cleaning